Abrasivos de bruñido


Ohio Tool Works manufactures the honing industry’s highest quality line of standard, custom, and replacement vitrified honing abrasives designed to meet the needs of customers from any industry in the world. Whatever your application or production volume, we offer a complete line of conventional abrasive types, grades, sizes, and mounting configurations.



We offer several different “Metalbonded” Honing abrasive configurations to fit a variety of applications. We will tailor a bond for your specific application to increase tool life as well as tailor an abrasive to meet your specific surface finish requirements. Metal Bond Abrasive selections include CBN and Diamond. When utilizing Metalbond as opposed to Vitrified bonds, the life and cutting action of the abrasive increases greatly. Bonds can be modified to give the operator excellent abrasive life and increase productivity.


• Abrasive cross-sections from .06” and above and lengths to 8.0”

• Hybrid ceramic & related products

• Impregnated fiber sticks

• Conventional & custom mountings



• Premium metalbonds

• Synthetic & natural diamond

• Monocrystalline CBN premium abrasive

• Conventional & custom mountings

Ohio Tool Works es un fabricante estadounidense de máquinas pulidoras industriales de precisión, herramientas, abrasivos, sistemas de filtración y consumibles. Con una base de clientes que va desde fabricantes multinacionales hasta talleres mecánicos operados por propietarios, OTW ofrece una línea completa de equipos y accesorios de bruñido para una amplia gama de necesidades de acabado de orificios. Fabricados y ensamblados con un cuidado implacable en nuestra planta de 80 000 pies cuadrados (7400 m2) en Ashland, Ohio, OTW supera constantemente a nuestros competidores en términos de precisión, productividad y vida útil de las herramientas.