Machine Inventory Sale
Exclusive, limited-time offers on precision CNC turning centers, milling machines, grinders, multifunction turning/grinding machines, and more. Act fast: all machines are in-stock and ready to ship!
Exclusive, limited-time offers on precision CNC turning centers, milling machines, grinders, multifunction turning/grinding machines, and more. Act fast: all machines are in-stock and ready to ship!
Complete support for all aftermarket needs.
Our diverse product portfolio enables us to support a variety of applications across the aerospace, silicon carbide, semiconductor, agricultural, automotive, construction, consumer products, defense, energy, medical, technology, and transportation industries.
Hardinge is a leading international provider of advanced metal-cutting solutions.
Choose from a large inventory of 5C, 16C, 20C, 25C and 3J collets, FlexC vulcanized collet systems, emergency collets and step chucks, as well as B42 and B65 stationary collets. Let Hardinge solve your workholding problems such as hard-to-grip shapes and surfaces, part length control, thin-wall turning, etc. Hardinge supplies D-style, WW and 3C collets and step chucks for instrument lathes, turret lathes and micro-drilling machines for the medical, dental, electronic, watchmaking, model engineering and related industries.